Stairs & Landing

Find Ideas for your stairs and landing, then follow our how to guides and learn how to paint this area of your home. Our guides will show you everything, from how to prepare the area, right the way through to getting a perfect finish with gloss paint on your stair banisters.

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Stairs and Landing

Stairs and landings can be a complicated part of your home to decorate. You will need to know how to prepare a room for painting and how to prepare wood work such as stair banisters for painting. Ceilings can also be very challenging to paint in this part of the house. Our How to guides will show you what to do and what you need to successfully paint this part of your home.

Helpful guides

How to Prepare a Room for Painting

We made an easy to follow guide showing you how to prepare a room for painting.

How to paint spindles on a stair case

Painting detailed areas like staircase spindles & banisters can be a real challenge but this guide will show you exactly what to do.

How to get a smooth finish with gloss paint

In this guide we show you the most important steps and techniques you need to get a perfectly smooth finish with gloss paints.

How to Paint a Ceiling

Paint a ceiling fast with this easy to follow guide.

How to Paint a Wall

In this guide we show you how to get a perfect finish when painting the walls in your home.

How to Paint Skirting Boards

This guide will show you how to paint your skirting boards with minimum effort so you can finish that room off in style!

Helpful tips

How to create a decorating plan

Decorating can be overwhelming, especially if you are taking on more than one room. Here we’ll show you how to make a decorating plan to transform your home!

5 Hallway decorating ideas to make the most of your space

Get some great ideas on how to decorate your hallway.

Interior colour trends 2020

Read about our take on the top design trends of 2020 and see how to take advantage of them when decorating your home!

DIY Pallet Bench

We show you how to quickly make your own patio bench by up-cycling some pallets.

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